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Posted by namjai at


Which country is better Singapor...

Which country is better Singapore or Hong Kong?

Both are former British colonies, in addition to being two of the busiest port cities in the world and top financial centres. Hong Kong is often believed to be more dynamic, but less friendly and a bit more gritty, whereas Singapore is seen as more sanitised, but less cramped and with more pleasant surroundings.

Can I survive in Hong Kong with English?

Yup - you can pretty much live anywhere in Hong Kong only speaking English. Life though is a lot easier for a English-only speaker on Hong Kong Island, and more specifically, mid-levels.

How much is average rent in Hong Kong?

Renting a House or Apartment

The average rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Hong Kong can range from 12,000 to 20,000 HKD (1,500 to 2,500 USD) or more per month.

What do universities look for when giving scholarships?

4 Qualities Scholarship Committees Look For
Strong Academics. You don't have to be the valedictorian, but most scholarship committees will take into consideration your overall commitment to academics. ...
Work Experience. ...
Community Service. ...

How many hours can I work on student visa?

Working hours

A student visa issued for full-time degree level studies allows you to work for a maximum of 20 hours per week during term-time. This is a maximum of 20 hours in total in any one week, including paid or unpaid work and for one or more organisation. The 20 hours cannot be averaged over a longer period.

Can I travel to UK on Hong Kong passport?

3) Do BN(O) and HKSAR passport holders need a visa to visit the UK? No, BN(O) and HKSAR passport holders can enter the UK as a visitor without the need to obtain a visa in advance and can stay in the UK for up to 6 months.

Do you need to know Chinese to live in Hong Kong?

Technically speaking, anyone who speaks English can get around the city fine. This is the reason that many expats who have lived in Hong Kong for a decade do not feel the need to learn the local language. And tourists who can speak English will have no difficulties in getting around the city.

Is CUHK better than Hkust?

CUHK is much more 'local' but does have some specialty courses and is considered HK's number 2 university. HKUST specializes in certain subjects and does not offer courses as wide-ranging as the above two universities but their business courses are apparently the best in Asia...

Which country has lowest university fees?

Nordic countries are known for being the cheapest places to study abroad. Norway offers free tuition fees for both international and domestic students. Also, there are many English-taught courses available for international students to choose from.

Is 75k a good salary?

There is no denying that a 75,000 salary is well above that of the average person in the US. However, there are easy lifestyle changes you can implement to make your already good salary stretch even further. You will be able to live comfortably off of a salary of 75,000 a year, even in areas with a high cost of living.

universities in hong kong

How do I apply for University in Hong Kong?

How do I apply for University in Hong Kong?How to Apply to a University in Hong Kong in 2022Find a university to apply t...

What is a good monthly income?

What is a good monthly income?In the US, an annual salary between $70,000 – $78,000 before tax ($5,800 – $6,500 monthly)...


Posted by meikiu at 16:43Comments(0)教育


What is a good brand identity?

What is a good brand identity?

A brand logo should be instantly recognizable: simple, unique, appropriate, and memorable. Most importantly, it should clearly convey the company's messaging. Companies should also consider the various sizes and shapes their logo will be expected to take, from website headers to products to stationary.

Who named plastic?

One of the earliest examples was invented by Alexander Parkes in 1855, who named his invention Parkesine. We know it today as celluloid. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) was first polymerised between 1838-1872.

Do TikTokers get paid?

The short answer is: Yes. To make money on TikTok directly you must be 18 years of age or older, have more than 10,000 followers, and have at least 100,000 views over the last 30 days. You can then apply to the TikTok Creator Fund in the app.

Who can help me create a prototype?

You may wish to hire professional prototype developers, engineers and designers, but others may be able to help you as well, including a handyman, a machinist or a student from a local industrial design college. The complexity and materials to be used in your specific product will help drive this decision.

What can't be 3D printed?

Materials such as wood, cloth, paper and rocks cannot be 3D printed because they would burn before they can be melted and extruded through a nozzle.

Can you 3D print a dome?

We're going to take a look at an awesome company called printed dome the name speaks for itselfMore

What inventions Cannot be protected?

What can't be patented?
literary, dramatic, musical or artistic works.
a way of doing business, playing a game or thinking.
a method of medical treatment or diagnosis.
a discovery, scientific theory or mathematical method.
the way information is presented.
some computer programs or mobile apps.
More items...•

What are the advantages of a prototype?

Benefits of prototyping
Early discovery of design problems.
Estimation of production costs, manufacturing time and material requirements.
Select machinery required for production.
Testing to determine fit and durability.
Receive feedback from customers and end users.
Identify improvements.
More items...•

Who has the most oil in the world?

Russia is the largest country in the world by landmass and over 106 billion barrels of proven oil reserves fall within the country's borders. Along with the U.S. and Saudi Arabia, Russia is one of only three countries in the world producing more than 10 million barrels of oil per day.

What is the softest plastic?

LDPE (low density polyethylene) is a soft, flexible, lightweight plastic material.
Soft, flexible, lightweight plastic material that is easy to fabricate and form.
INDUSTRIAL Sheet Dimensions: 48 in x 96 in
Thickness: 0.030 in – 0.500 in

plastic prototype

Can you flash lights to warn of police?

Can you flash lights to warn of police?Flashing can warn other drivers of road dangers, such as crashed cars or police s...

What can 1 sell to make money?

What can 1 sell to make money?Jewelry. Quality home-made jewelry is very popular because each item is usually unique. .....

Can you 3D print onto an object?

Can you 3D print onto an object?No, 3D printers can t print anything in terms of materials and shapes. 3D printers requi...


Posted by meikiu at 02:41Comments(0)




這取決於。 “如果毛囊關閉、消失、結疤或多年未長出新頭髮,那麼新頭髮將無法生長,”Fusco 說。但是,如果毛囊仍然完好無損,是的,有可能重新長出頭髮 - 或改善現有較薄頭髮的健康狀況。


某些營養素的過度補充可能會導致多種毒性,而某些營養素(包括維生素 A、維生素 E 和硒)的過度補充實際上可能會導致脫髮。


你應該洗多少?對於一般人來說,每隔一天,或者每隔 2 到 3 天,不洗一般都可以。 “沒有一攬子建議。 Goh 說,如果頭髮明顯油膩,頭皮發癢,或者由於污垢而剝落,這些跡象表明是時候洗頭了。


當維生素 B12 水平低時,您的毛囊可能無法有效地長出新頭髮,從而導致脫髮。缺乏維生素 B12 也會導致貧血症狀,這與鐵水平低、頭髮稀疏和脫髮有關。





抗脫髮油 特點
用於頭髮生長和脫髮控制的 Mamaearth 洋蔥油 維持頭皮
Kesh King Ayurvedic 抗脫髮髮油 促進頭髮發育
WOW Skin Science 洋蔥髮油不粘
Vedix 阿育吠陀髮油滋養頭髮
4 行•












如何增加維生素 B12?

如何增加維生素 B12?要增加飲食中維生素 B12 的含量,請多吃含有維生素 B12 的食物,例如:牛肉、肝臟和雞肉。魚類和貝類,例如鱒魚、鮭魚、金槍魚和蛤蜊。 強化早餐麥片。低脂牛奶、酸奶和奶酪。雞蛋。 哪種早餐麥片含有最多的維生素 B1...


你怎麼知道你的頭髮脫水了?從頭上取下一縷濕髮,用手指捏住每一頭,然後輕輕拉扯。如果頭髮伸展然後恢復到原來的長度,它就是健康的! (好的)。如果它拉伸但不返回,則它是乾燥的。什麼食物有生物素?生物素的來源含有最多生物素的食物包括器官肉、蛋、魚...


輝瑞會導致脫髮嗎?信使 RNA SARS-CoV-2 Moderna 和輝瑞疫苗可能會觸發 T 細胞介導的免疫反應,並具有脫髮的下游效應。在美國和全球範圍內,SARS-CoV-2 疫苗接種後脫髮的報導越來越多。我應該服用多少維生素 D 才能...


Posted by meikiu at 00:21Comments(0)






マリネの後は、あらかじめ衣を用意しておきます。 私は、低グルテン粉と赤玉粉を1:1の割合でボウルに入れ、ヘアスプレーの粉をスプーン1杯、適当な冷水を加えてよく混ぜて衣を提供しています。







1.日焼け止めについて多くの人が日焼け止めの問題を強調しすぎていると言わxove white truffleません。多くのブロガーや企業は、年に4回、自宅や傘を持っていても、曇りや天気の良い日を問わず、日焼け止めを塗る必要があります。日焼け...


Posted by meikiu at 17:26Comments(0)


View Slideshow

Google’s improved image blending means a more seamless Street View

These so-called rosettes are those camera balls you see sitting atop the colorful Google Street View cars – they contain 15 independent camera sensors, each with their own sense, which are constantly taking images as they shuttle around streets. Software handles stitching those images together so that you can use Street View to virtually ‘step into’ any scene from anywhere the cars operate to get a frozen-in-time glimpse at what that spot would look like from a pedestrian’s perspective.

Or, almost what it would look like; one thing you’ve probably noticed if you’ve spent any time in Street View is that the stitch points, or places where the multiple images captured by the rosette’s 15 cameras, are often painfully obvious. This is not a problem that’s unique to Google, and it appears in a lot of panorama image stitching, in smartphones, consumer cameras, VR video capture and more.

Google still manages to be pretty good at making up for these deficiencies such that you aren’t often terribly aware of the overlap points between images, but it’s also now rolling out a new algorithm that makes things even more, well, seamless. Basically, the process uses any overlapping areas to locate pixels that correspond directly to one another in each image, and then it simplifies that data set, eliminating any corresponding points where there isn’t enough visual structural data (like a building edge, for instance) to accurately calculate the flow from one image to the other.

The challenge is that Google’s algorithm has to do this while keeping the rest of the image looking ‘normal,’ or appealing to our natural human sensibilities. You can very quickly tell when looking at images when things don’t look quite right, even if you can’t put your finger on why, and sometime warping a picture to achieve a desired in one area can have a dramatic effect on other elements in the image.

Google’s technique specifically avoids introducing new visual issue while selectively warming the crossover areas of stitched images, to produce smooth, continuous panoramas that still look accurate across the frame. It produces some amazing results, as you can see in the video above and the gallery below.




Previous Next Exit

Google is using this to restitch panoramas right now, but there are obviously a lot of panoramas to restitch in the whole of Street View, so don’t be surprised if you still find some awkward transitions out there. One day, though, we could virtually tour the world without any odd imaging artifacts.

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Posted by meikiu at 17:33Comments(0) dream


The fall of a tree

I am the autumn trees, a burning passion, burning life in the autumn maple.

Autumn is my most beautiful season. I made it through the long winter, walk through the warm spring, hot summer, finally ushered in the bright autumn's mellow. In the season for me, I began to spit passion, enjoy the flowers beautiful, free to expose a quality suggestive of poetry or painting.

Frost, my savings and blood a year of passion, act recklessly and care for nobody to sprayed on leaves, let to make stained storied, valley red, let people experience a bloodstained glory. My leaves, such as the flame burning mission, together with the passion, rising confidence.

I'm not in the spring and flowers are beautiful, not with the fruits of autumn than shape for incense. I use the leaves to create a mood and the out of the ordinary, expressing a red legend. Spring flowers dominate, dominate the autumn leaves. Ye Yihong yellow color to the high mountains and lofty hills, the earth covered with a piece of beautiful autumn. My beauty is grand and magnificent, be struck with fright, shaking heaven and earth.

My beautiful beautiful, the sunset inferior. But be riotous with colour chrysanthemum and I share a clear, bright, Mature autumn, release the fragrance, give color golden, white, red, green, purple and so on to fall, and my warm color gain by contrast, a compose the autumn of life the most beautiful music.

I am not a poet, but my passion has inspired poets, Du Mu "Shuangye red flowers in February" verse, is my spiritual resonance, is praise for my life, is the maple leaf sentiment sublimation. In the midnight, Suzhou City Hanshan Temple at midnight the bells, the poet Zhang Jiceng caused infinite melancholy drift Tianya, left through time and space, the Millennium immortal poems.

I am not a painter, but artists have to pay, I sigh for sigh, regard with special esteem, stood staring at, freeze frame boundless solidification, on paper. They apply to arbitrary, rendering, vague, abstract, realism, painting styles, features. Photographers who came all the way, with pike artillery, the myriads of changes of angle, I kept pushing, taken out emotional masterpiece. Or quiet, or bold, or the atmosphere, exercise one's inventive mind, create new styles.

Thanks to the earth to raise graciousness, let me gain a better than the February flower leaves, with tens of thousands of full of wit poet, painter, photographer.

Peaches and plums do not have to talk, yet the world beats a path to them. Maple does not say, also seikei. Praise always love to work quietly success.

Many people have been fascinated by the scenery, I indulge in pleasures without stop, even crazy epilepsy. I have to stay awake, because I know the perfect, beautiful is not lonely, cold and desolate. How many years of experience has already let me mature, let me be quiet indifferent. I have enough strong, tough, unrelenting pressure to snow, cold wind wantonly.

The next spring, I and the earth to awaken, to start a new life cycle, after many hardships: endure long spring drought, summer sun baked, accept come unexpectedly hail forging. But I will stick to this piece of parenting at the foot of my land, take root deeper, farther, more, to take the initiative to find, absorb moisture, nutrients, trying to grow a tree more hypertrophy of the green, ready to be red, when frost comes, again with the autumn. To write a more mature, more meaningful expressing poem, draw more creative painting.

Life, struggle, dedication at. Even in winter, also cannot go to sleep; even the branches were numbed with cold weather shack, heart can never stop; even if the body into the dust, the soul can never rot.  

Posted by meikiu at 17:21Comments(0) dream


The rain misty moon

July look, Qing Yu Mian, a melancholy, a depressed. If you ask me how many, ten a breeze; such as Xiao drowsiness geometry, a rain lit. Tired and not enemy hot summer, cool the solution tired, sleepy hazy thousands of miles, how to know the thunderous Wanjun, rainy night is not smooth, in the wake of the dream......

The cold wind. Dense cloud. Rain, cold. Everything becomes dim and dark, all breath of death...... The fire burned, gray memory, formation of smoke, dust, into the air. Tianren not help tears, because he knows my mood, and short lingering, and finally the earth melts. Maybe it was the gloomy atmosphere to frighten, perhaps because has already stepped into the sleeping, everything is attributed to calm, silent, gradually have the breath of the night, the dark shadow, and outline......

Month, hazy. Window, lonely. Tree, silence. The dark mysteries, become more and more deep, the atmosphere is so quiet, everything is not empty boring day...... Wind gusts, gently blowing the clouds, also brushed off the front of the haze. Moon hanging in the window, lonely from east to west, I do not know whether the tired, tired. The hum of insects keep interrupting look heart, heart upset, have mixed feelings, the people, who knows his fall silent? Who is, so let me be very worried about? Who is, let me so Hung Up? Who is it, let me go where? The moon disturb the mind, how can I forget your allure?

The moon touched my heart, long scar gradually let me know: sorrow, sadness, all is love. Love, love, is to live. Sad or not, all are gone eastward; happiness, all if falling grinding dust. Seize, is the most do not want to do; lose, is the most can not do. If you have time, you cherish all eyes...... Love in the parting, don't fell sad tears.  

Posted by meikiu at 17:21Comments(0)calm